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Logo Design on a Budget

If you’re on a tight budget, I now offer a much more affordable way to have a professionally drawn logo for your business at a fraction of the cost that you would normally pay for a traditional logo design service.

How does it work?

You draw up your own logo roughly on paper and I will redraw it professionally into a vector format. Nobody understands the business better than you the owner and therefor you may already have an idea of what logo you want for your business. The problem you may have is that you need someone to execute the design idea for you. I can take your sketchy idea and transform it into a high quality professionally drawn logo, suitable for any purpose.

The Benefits


Designing a logo the ‘traditional’ way by producing three or four different logo proofs can be very time consuming. Also, the initial proofs may not be to your taste and therefore I would need to design another set of proofs. This will take more time and become quite expensive. I now charge approximately 75% less than my normal logo design service.


Your logo will be unique. If using a ‘typical’ logo design service, you can never be 100% that the designer hasn’t used any clipart. I’ve redrawn over 20,000 logos in the past and I’ve seen a good number of logos that have clipart images used as part of the design, which is obviously not good. As I will be working from your unique sketch idea, then you know that your logo will be unique and therefor won’t have any copyright issues in the future.

Professionally Drawn

I will redraw your ‘sketchy’ design into a professionally drawn vector image. A vector can be scaled up to any size and will remain sharp. No more jagged edges to worry about. I will also supply a black only and white only version, also as a vector image.

This new service I offer is perfect if you want to keep the cost down and already know the type of logo that you want.

How to order?

Email your sketch idea to and include any comments that you think will be useful to me, such as the font styles, bold lines, thin lines etc. I will get back to you with a quote. I decided not to offer a fixed price as the work can be varied depending how simple or complex the job will be.

budget logo design
affordable logo design